Thursday, November 19, 2015

Eyebrows- The most important part!

Now I'm not just saying this because I am a cosmetic tattoo technician, maybe it's the makeup artist within me or the fact that I had terrible eyebrows for many years but I do believe that the EYEBROWS are one of the most important parts of the face.

You know the old saying that "the eyes are the windows to the soul", well think of the eyebrows as the window frames! They are just as important as the windows themselves, right?

You can go out without your eyeshadow, blush or lippie , as long as those brows are well shaped and defined you still look well groomed!

Or you can be seen with a full face of beautifully applied makeup, but if your eyebrows are untouched your makeup just looks unfinished or unpolished.

A beautifully shaped brow can totally change the look of your face for the better. But, the same goes for a poorly shaped brow; this can totally change the look of your face also.

This was a little joke I made up for instagram a while ago, I found the pics with a simple google search. Although this is great for a giggle it really isn't too far fetched. I constantly see women walking around with crazy shaped brows that totally ruin their look and make them appear confused, surprised or angry at all times, lol!

Now we (women) don't always find it easy to create the perfect brow shape do we?

It's very easy to end up taking too much hair away and ending up with not much shape at all.

I actually did this myself during my teens and ended up with eyebrows that were way too short for my face shape, this eventually led me to discover cosmetic tattoo (but that’s another story).

Or then other women don't remove enough hair. Eyebrow trends come and go just like fashion and although beautiful, full brows are very on trend at the moment a mono-brow is never cute ladies!

So what should a beautifully shaped eyebrow look like?

I'm not going to display a diagram now with measurements of how to create the perfect brow because I do believe the number one rule is: 1. Have your eyebrows shaped by a professional.

Do yourself a favor, if you have never done it before go to a pro! A beauty therapist, brow bar, or someone who specialises in eyebrow shaping. I'm not talking about the apprentice at your local hairdresser either. Trust me, you will notice a difference!
You can have them shaped with waxing, tweezing or even threading is becoming very popular, and then maintain them yourself at home if thats what you prefer.Don't go too thin!

As I said before big, bold , brows are very on trend at the moment. A professional will be able to show you what shape suits you best and if necessary they can help you grow them in. 

It may take a few months of growing back your brows to the perfect shape but you will be thankful when you see what a difference it makes. Now don't get me wrong, not everyone will be able to grow their eyebrow hair back. Especially some of the more mature women out there. 

Some of us are left with naturally sparse or uneven brows and for others it's just impossible to grow the hair back at all. For these clients I would recommend cosmetic tattoo.

But for those of you that can, grow them brows back! No more thin lines or tadpole looking brows.

Not too thick or too thin, we need to find somewhere in the middle. Define those brows!

For a perfectly shaped and defined brow use a powder and brush to softly fill them in. There are many products on the market at the moment. From pencils to pomades and gels but I find it is easiest for most women (unless your already great at doing your makeup) to use a powder. We don't want to end up looking like we have used a crayola on our brows and this is easy to do with a pencil.

And don't choose a colour that is too warm. For those of you that are not great with colour it's important to use an eyebrow powder and not an eyeshadow. Eyeshadows can tend to be quite warm. It obviously depends on your natural eyebrow colour but most of us have cool coloured eyebrows. Those of you that are local can come into the salon and purchase one of our brow powders if your unsure about which colour to choose. Hop over to this website

But you can just ask the makeup artist at the counter of wherever you are buying your makeup from and they will help you choose.

If all else fails and you can't grow the shape you desire or you simply want the perfect brow without ever having to fill them in you can always try cosmetic tattoo.

The photo above is of one of my clients who already had a nice shape to her eyebrows, she was simply sick of having to fill them in every day. 

1 comment:

  1. Such a wonderful post. If you are looking for a permanent make up , just check out permanent makeup supplies. They are been dedicated to saving women from the time-consuming regimen of enhancing their beauty.
